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Politics | Sep 13, 2024

Pedestrian Traffic Concept Lienz Awarded as Exemplary Project

Today, Thursday, September 12, the city of Lienz was awarded for its exemplary pedestrian traffic concept of the "10-Minute City". The goal is to reach as many parts of the city on foot, safely and easily, within ten minutes.

In addition to raising awareness, improvements to the infrastructure are also planned - for example through wider sidewalks, more direct connections and a combination of public transport and footpaths. “Where the population walks a lot of their everyday journeys, car traffic decreases. There is less noise, fewer exhaust fumes, the quality of life in the city increases and the local economy, retail and local supplies are strengthened," says VCÖ expert Michael Schwendinger (l.), who together with State Councilor René Zumtobel (2nd from left) , Dieter Schwab (2nd from right) and Michael Mangeng from ÖBB (r.) Environment Committee chairwoman Gerlinde Kieberl and Jasmina Steiner from the municipality of Lienz congratulated.

Photo: Land Tyrol/Neuner

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