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Illustration  Composting plant Lienz

Composting plant Lienz

Organic, recyclable kitchen and garden waste are understood as bio-waste, which is processed into valuable compost at the composting plant of the city of Lienz. This high-quality compost and a ready-mixed raised bed soil can be purchased at the composting plant. Approximately 1,300 tons of kitchen waste and a similar amount of green and garden waste are processed each year. Green and garden waste can be delivered inexpensively in the form of self-delivery to the city of Lienz"s composting plant.

General Opening hours and directions Further information Contacts


The composting plant of the city of Lienz is operated as a Public Private Partnership. Delivery control, management, and quality assurance are carried out by the Department of Environment and Civil Protection of the city of Lienz. The mechanical processing is carried out by the company Hans Gumpitsch GmbH "Stadtlerhof". The annual quality assurance is carried out by the ARGE Kompost (sampling) and the Chemical Technical Environmental Protection Institute (CTUA) of the state of Tyrol as a certified testing institute. Each year, approximately 700 tons of compost soil are produced from the bio-waste at the Lienz composting plant and distributed in small quantities to homeowners, gardeners, as well as in landscaping and agriculture. Small quantities are distributed free of charge. Bioabfällen im Kompostwerk Lienz ca. 700 Tonnen Komposterde erzeugt und in Kleinmengen an Haus- und Gartenbesitzer sowie in der Landschaftsgestaltung und Landwirtschaft abgegeben. Kleinmengen werden kostenlos ausgegeben.

Opening hours and directions

Monday:   08.30 - 12.00 am
Thursday: 01.00 - 05.00 pm
Friday: 08.30 - 12.00 am

ÖAMTC Route Planner


Composting plant

Michael Prinster

Tel.: +43 (0) 4852 600574
Fax:+43 (0) 4852 600411
Mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office:Composting plant Bürgerau 15, 9900 Lienz
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