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Illustration Markenpolitik „Sonnenstadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.“

Markenpolitik „Sonnenstadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.“

Mit der Markenpolitik „Sonnenstadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.“ stellt die Stadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. alle Zielsetzungen und Aktivitäten der Stadtentwicklung unter eine Dachmarke. Zielsetzung der Markenpolitik ist es, durch Zusammenfassung von städtischen Produkten und Leistungen eine authentische Identität zu vermitteln und Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. nach außen einheitlich zu positionieren.

Dachmarke Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.Logo Brand building process Brand umbrella positioning Brand strengthening through identity and co-branding More information

Dachmarke Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.

Die Dachmarke verkörpert auch gemeinsame Gestaltungsverantwortung für Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning., sie ist damit kooperativ ausgerichtet und versteht sich als visuelle Klammer einer prozesshaften Entwicklung mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung einer unverwechselbaren und wettbewerbsfähigen Markenpersönlichkeit. Die Biografie der Markenpolitik der Stadt geht auf die Stadtkonzeption initiiert im Jahr 1995 zurück. Die Dachmarke beschreibt demnach die Sollpositionierung und Leitzielsetzung „Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. als eine Modellstadt für schöneres Leben zu entwickeln“.


Das Logo zur Dachmarkte „Sonnenstadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.“ ist ein markenrechtlich geschütztes Wort- und Bild-Zeichen. Im Markenmanual werden dazu die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt. „Sonnenstadt Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning.“ kommuniziert die klimatisch vorteilhafte, südliche Lage, mediterranes Flair, Wohlfühlraum, Genuss und Chancen zur Selbstverwirklichung als Urbedürfnis der Menschen.

Die Integration des Hoheitszeichens der Stadt (Wappen) bildet ein verbindendes Element zur historischen Bedeutung von Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. als Residenzstadt der Grafen von Görz/Tirol. Der Claim „Modell Schöner Leben“ vermittelt Zukunftsorientiertheit, Einzigartigkeit, Dynamik - er weckt Neugierde und macht Stolz. Schöner leben umfasst alle Lebensbereiche vom schöner Wohnen über das schöner Arbeiten, hier schöner Urlaub zu verbringen bis zum schöner Einkaufen, schöner Freizeit Genießen und stellt damit das Selbstverwirklichungspotential heraus.

Brand building process

Starting from the city concept in 1995 with a working group led by Johann Kastner, initially a corporate design developed as a visual feature and image for the cooperative urban development process. In 2008, this evolved into a brand umbrella process, which culminates in summarizing the forms of the city"s external appearance under the protected word-image trademark.

Im kontinuierlichen Marken-Relaunch entstanden unter dem Dach der regionalen Hauptmarke verschiedene Produkt- und Dienstleistungsmarken, wie der Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and Stadtmarkt, der Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and Advent, der Original Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and Lebzelt, das Radpackage Innichen – Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. und viele andere mehr. Als Mutationen und Weiterentwicklung entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem heimischen Künstler Hans Salcher weitere, die südliche Lage von Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. hervorhebende Claims.


Brand umbrella positioning

In cooperation with the University of Klagenfurt, an evaluation of the brand process was conducted in 2011, assessing the brand elements and special attributes based on sustainability and unique selling points.

Brand strengthening through identity and co-branding

In konsequenter Festigung der Markenposition werden laufend das Markenbild stärkende Maßnahmen, Aktivitäten und Produkte entwickelt. Dazu zählen Events, Eigenprodukte der Stadt wie die Sonnenstadt-Liegestühle, das Sonnenstadt-Eis, die Sonnenstadt-Einkaufstaschen und andere Co-Branding- Partnerschaften mit dem Tourismusverband Osttirol, den Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and Bergbahnen etc.

Lienz is one of those cities in Austria that successfully motivates and accompanies the material measures of urban development through the control of identity politics with the accompanying bundling of emotional design forces. The brand building process represents a constant questioning of the orientation and levels of cooperation and should also in the future be geared towards the economic, tourism, social, and environmental policy objectives of the city and lead to further sharpening of the location profiling and positioning. zählt mit seiner durchgängigen Markenpolitik zu jenen Städten in Österreich, welche die materiellen Maßnahmen der Stadtentwicklung durch Steuerung der Identitätspolitik mit begleitender Bündelung emotionaler Gestaltungskräfte erfolgreich motiviert und begleitet. Der Brand building process stellt ein ständiges Hinterfragen der Ausrichtung und Kooperationsebenen dar und soll auch künftig auf die wirtschafts-, tourismus-, sozial- und umweltpolitischen Zielsetzungen der Stadt abgestellt sein und zu einer weiteren Schärfung der Standortprofilierung und Positionierung führen.