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Die Trauerwerkstatt Osttirol bietet professionelle Sterbe- und Trauerbegleitung, sowie Vorträge, Seminare und Workshops zu den Themen Abschied, Trauer und Begleitung in dieser schwierigen Zeit an.
Das Angebot richtet sich an Women und Men ab dem 16. Lebensjahr, die im Sinne des Tiroler Teilhabegesetzes psychosoziale Unterstützung und Begleitung bei der Bewältigung ihres Alltags benötigen.
-Persönliche Counseling and support
-Healthliche Belange
-Networking und Casemanagement
The Deanery Youth Lienz is a Catholic youth community that offers young people in the Deanery Lienz space for spiritual development, personal growth, and strengthening of the sense of community through spiritual offerings, social projects, and communal activities.
We support families in exceptional life situations.
The training center IQ, funded by the AMS, offers you the opportunity of inter-company, individual apprenticeship training in retail. The aim of the project is to find a training company with you, whereby your training time at IQ will be credited when taken over by another company.
Young people who
- with AMS pre-registration
- have no or a negative school leaving certificate
- have SPF
- have a disability within the meaning of the Disabled Persons Employment Act
- have been looking for an apprenticeship for a long time
We enable families to come together with other diabetics and support each other - even the children see that they are not alone affected!
to support and make spoken language more understandable or to find an alternative form of communication apart from spoken language. UK includes various forms of communication, such as sign-supported communication, communication with symbols or with electronic aids, such as the iPad. For an initial consultation, you are welcome to contact us at die Lautsprache zu stützen und verständlicher zu machen or eine alternative Kommunikationsform abseits der Lautsprache zu finden. UK beinhaltet verschiedene Kommunikationsformen, wie die Gebärdenunterstützte Kommunikation, die Kommunikation mit Symbolen or mit elektronischen Hilfsmitteln, wie z.B. dem Ipad. For ein Erstgespräch können Sie uns gerne unter English or
Advice and support in job search.
Livelihood security during unemployment.
Div. Consultationen: Educationskarenz, Altersteilzeit Aus- und Weiterbildung, Wiedereinstieg, etc.
Representation of the interests of employees in East Tyrol.
Accompaniment of persons who, due to illness or other impairments, have a degree of disability of at least 30% and already have work experience or a completed vocational or school education.
Support in job search, job security in workplace crises.
Support and advice for young people before and during extended apprenticeship or partial qualification (according to § 8b BAG).
Close cooperation with vocational schools, family and companies.
Crisis intervention, organization and learning support, advice on changing training.
Bettina Saiger: 0699/12 92 94 26 |
Sabrina Ortner: 0660/92 65 890 |
Job coaching offers direct and individual support at the workplace for people with disabilities or illnesses. The aim is to promote professional, communicative and social skills in order to be able to meet the company"s requirements independently. The goal is successful and long-term participation in the labor market and a livelihood-securing employment.
Office day: Tuesday 08:00- 12:00 Information and free legal advice, possibility for formal submission of complaints and applications.
Performance of judicial tasks in the jurisdiction of Lienz.
Support for young people (15 - 24 years) with special educational needs and/or disabilities of at least 30% in finding apprenticeships or jobs,
Job security in crises.
Counseling and support Jugendlicher zwischen 15 und 19 Jahren mit Beeinträchtigung bzw. Einschränkungen bis 24 Jahre; Übergang Schule - Beruf; Abklärung der Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten; Organisation von Schnupperpraktika; Lernhilfe.
Young people from the 9th year of compulsory school, especially New Middle School, PTS and in special schools.
Support for young people with significant disabilities (at least 50%) in finding a suitable job.
The "MITTENDRIN" project represents a link between school and work and is an alternative to daily care in the "classic" workshops.
The AufBauWerk is a social service company for young people in Tyrol. We provide skills for entering the workforce.
Unser Leistungsangebot umfasst verschiedenste Schulungen und Begleitungen rund um das Thema Work und Beruf. Unsere TeilnehmerInnen werden durch eine breitgefächerte, praxisnahe Basisqualifikation auf den Berufseinstieg vorbereitet. Unser Schulungsangebot richtet sich an junge Menschen mit Förderbedarf nach Beendigung der gesetzlichen Schulpflicht:
Graduates of special schools and integration classes, people with social/emotional handicaps.
We accompany young people in the transition from school to work and plan the next steps together. Students as well as non-schooling young people are supported. Contact point: Education until 18
Contact persons:
+43 676 5140666 +43 676 5140666 E:
+43 676 4073223 +43 676 4073223 E:
English +43 676 4241764 E:
Advice for people with disabilities on general topics (social legal issues, lifestyle, advice and therapy offers in the region) and service advice (information about offers and service providers in the region, support - support with clarification - testing, orientation within and outside Lebenshilfe Tirol)
If necessary, referral to appropriate bodies
The East Tyrol Education Center is the regional education center for East Tyrol. We are guided by Christian-social values and create contemporary opportunities for education and encounters. Focus: Church and home, relationship and partnership, body and soul, "necessary" (social issues), cross-border pilgrimage.
Consultation on all questions regarding education and profession/work.
Information on educational and professional matters
Orientation, Information, Motivation
Highlighting one"s own competences
Showing professional opportunities
Support in career choice
Impulses for application documents
Additional services:
The education info tirol now offers the possibility to book appointments for a consultation on all questions regarding education, education support, profession, and work directly via We offer consultations both in person and online.
All information about our services, booking appointments for educational and career counseling, as well as for competence workshops can be found on the website:
Der Verein bietet: Advice, Information und Nachsorge für Abhängigkeitserkrankte, Gefährdete und deren Angehörige und Bezugspersonen, im legalen Suchtbereich (Alkohol, Medikamente, Spiel & Nikotin)
The Tyrolean Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired with its district office in Lienz/East Tyrol offers high-quality services in specialist advice (social legal advice, low vision), orientation and mobility training, training for daily living skills, early intervention and family support, as well as equipment advice (including sales and repair) for visually impaired and blind people.
The city of Lienz, Department of Citizen Service, provides comprehensive information in the social sector (various applications such as housing and rent subsidies, heating cost assistance, SoLaLi - shopping card, family support Lienzer Sportpass, Tyrolean minimum income, applications for home and care cost financing WPH Lienz, advice on registration for admission to a nursing home, GIS applications and exemptions, help and advice regarding disability ID or application, assistance with pension applications, etc.)
Further contact options:
CareManagement Tyrol is the point of contact for those in need of care, relatives, facilities, doctors, municipalities, etc. We offer consultations by phone, email, or in person (including home visits) on care topics, support in organizing care and support, aids, applications, etc. We are closely networked with care and support providers in the district and the state of Tyrol.
Target groups: All advice and help-seeking people, regardless of age, gender, origin, religion, ethnic or political affiliation, and other personal characteristics. Our efforts focus on people in emergency situations.
Service: Family assistance / Social pedagogical family assistance
Visit accompaniment
Social counseling
Social commitment fields and volunteering
Educational offers
Disaster relief
Further contact options:
Gertraud Holzer
0676/87 30 62 21
We offer German courses to asylum seekers, with or without asylum decision.
3 times a week, 1.5 hours each. The courses are held by volunteers and are free. The course participant has to pay for the teaching material.
Parent-Child-Center-Lienz - a meeting place for (expecting) parents and families with children between 0 - 6 years.
Professional care and competent support during this time for young families under the motto: Supporting - empowering - and relieving families.
The EKiZ offers a diverse range of courses and groups for young and old, as well as childcare in the nursery, in the inclusive kindergarten, and with childminders in the Lienz and East Tyrol area.
Occupational therapy for the fields: Orthopedics, Hand therapy, Rheumatology, Neurology
Consultations are exclusively conducted by dieticians. Consultations are individual (group consultations only by appointment)
The nutrition counseling centers of the State of Tyrol are contact points for questions about nutrition and dietary forms for all ages.
Consultations are exclusively conducted by dieticians. Consultations are individual (group consultations only by appointment)
Together with the legal guardians, we try to find solutions when questions arise or difficult situations occur in the educational, family, and school environment.
We advise and support parents, teenagers, and children.
All individuals dealing with children, teenagers, and parents can come to us.
We also offer counseling appointments outside our specified opening hours.
We take time for you.
Fit2Work is a free counseling service if your workplace is at risk due to health problems, or if you have difficulty finding a job for these reasons.
HOTLINE number: 0800 500 118
Services offered: Diagnosis, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Clinical Psychological Treatment, Parental Guidance, Psychotherapy (expected to start soon)
for women looking for work.
Initial information on professional matters is open to all women.
We support you in
We accompany you
We support your further education with financial aid.
Women who are registered as job seekers with the AMS can receive longer counseling and attend our courses.
Young women aged 15 to 24 can come for career counseling at the AMS without pre-registration.
In addition, we offer for all women:
More information at:
" Voluntary work on the farm " mediates people unfamiliar with agriculture and agriculture-friendly individuals for a few weeks to a mountain farm in Tyrol. The project supports mountain farming families who cultivate their homeland under difficult conditions.
For all between 18 - 75 years
Accommodation and meals are provided for volunteers (travel expenses are to be paid by themselves)
The association takes out accident insurance for the volunteer during the voluntary work
I offer psychosocial support/advice for prenatal diagnostic findings as well as advice/support for families/parents with children with disabilities.
who wish to avail of our services in emergency situations. We are very grateful for material donations and look forward to your numerous visits. die in Notsituationen unser Angebot annehmen möchten. Wir freuen uns sehr über Sachspenden und auf Euer zahlreiches Kommen.
Further contact options:
0650/82 49 9 62
0650 43 18 643
The FWZ-East Tyrol is an advisory center for people who want to volunteer. The consultations are non-binding and free of charge. Open positions throughout East Tyrol are presented. Social institutions are mainly looking for volunteer helpers, but the cultural and natural sectors also rely on volunteers.
Early intervention and family support: Support for children (0 - 6 years) with developmental delays or disabilities at home.
Counseling and support for the family in educational and developmental issues.
Interdisciplinary collaboration with other professionals/therapists.
Leisure assistance and family relief:
Description see Miscellaneous
The Volunteer Center East Tyrol, under the direction of Simone Ortner-Trebo, found a contact person for social concerns with the municipalities:
If you need help, the contact person in your community will be happy to assist you.
Contact in the municipalities:
Elisabeth Goller
Anni Kühr
Social Circle Amlach
Hildegard Goller
Bernhard Schneider
Mag. Josef Mair
Martin Mayerl
Anna Frank
Ruth Steidl
Anton Mietschnig
Joseph Lusser
Monika Oberbichler
Erika Rogl
Josef Ausserlechner
Johann Hanser
Manuela Peheim
Citizens" service for the municipality of Lienz
Sandra Pirker
Ehrentraud Tiefnig
Beate Pichlkostner
Petra Egger
Leopold Gantschnig
Christine Bürgler
Ingo Hafele
Beate Oberlojer
Adelheid Gutwenger
Marcella Wilhelmer
Lydia Unterluggauer
Isabella Haller
Wolfgang Gasser
Advice (legal and psychosocial) and support for people affected by domestic violence and/or persistent persecution (stalking). The help is free and confidential for those cared for. Psychosocial/legal process support
Outpatient support and care for children and adolescents and their families as part of a rehabilitation measure or on behalf of child and youth welfare as part of a UdE measure.
Multiprofessional team of clinical and health psychologists, occupational therapists, educational scientists, social workers, psychotherapists.
Our volunteers have completed extensive training. They accompany people in the final phase of life at home, in homes, and in hospitals.
The volunteers want to be there for you so that you are not alone, that you as relatives have space, and that you find support in your farewell and grief.
The service is free of charge for those affected. The employees are bound by confidentiality.
Our hospice teams accompany in WPH Sillian, Kals Virgin, Lienz area and in BKH Lienz.
The Info Corner of the Generations offers an information service for young people, families, and seniors on all topics from A to Z. You can reach us by phone at 0800 800 508 or by email at
The Info Corner helps with tips, information, addresses, and brochures.
Our service is free, anonymous, and without appointment.
OFFER: INBUS helps people who earn too little money despite working to get by. We offer support to those affected. Each case is looked at individually, and personal solutions are developed. We show people that they are worth more and open a door to more success and self-determination.
BORA is a project of itworks Personalservice and Consultation gemeinnützige GmbH and works on behalf of the Worksmarktservice Tirol. We offer counseling, workshops, open space without registration, support in crises, development of solution possibilities, overcoming bureaucratic hurdles, support in career entry.
The men"s counseling service "Mannsbilder" offers men and young males the opportunity to have an open and honest conversation from man to man. We offer professional help with: life crises, violence, fatherhood, parenting problems, difficulties in relationships, questions about marriage law, custody, visitation rights, maintenance, sexuality, homosexuality, contact difficulties, difficulties at work or at school.
Our offer is free, confidential and tailored to your life situation. Advice and support relating to parental leave and care leave planning. Support for reorientation and re-entry into the world of work. Educational and career advice
Youth meeting point and youth leisure activities, information and advice for children and young people on all topics relevant to young people.
We support children and adolescents who are victims of violence (psychological, physical, sexual violence, neglect...) and their social environment.
Our offer is anonymous, voluntary and free of charge.
District Hospital Lienz
Emanuel von Hibler-Straße 5, 9900 Lienz
Phone Registration: +43 4852 / 60682106, Monday to Thursday 07:30 – 08:15
Counseling hours: Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00, Thursday 15:00 - 18:00
Clinical and Health Psychologist: MMag. Dr. Michael Linder
Consultation on all matters related to limited hearing ability; in personal conversations with those affected and their relatives, the different aspects and effects of hearing impairment are discussed without time limits and possible steps to improve quality of life are explained; the seeking individuals receive further information.
The aim of the association "Crisis Counseling East Tyrol" is to help people in personal crisis situations through immediate help in the form of individual consultations through non-medical interventions or within the framework of work with relatives. A special feature is the "outreach" form of work at the homes of those affected. Thus, we provide outreach crisis intervention in East Tyrol with a broad field of tasks and reach adults, teenagers, and children in emergency situations.
This offer represents an important interface to the other facilities, especially to the Department of Psychiatry at the BKH Lienz.
The association is headed by Prim. Dr. Martin Schmidt, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the BKH Lienz.
Consultation, help, and support for dyslexia, reading and spelling difficulties, dyscalculia; homework support, learning coaching, etc.
Bone Marrow Donor Campaigns
Official visits
Accommodation provision near the clinic for companions
Financial and moral support
Counseling and support
Sea stays, Christmas parties, and barbecue parties for affected families
We support families with a leukemia patient, children and adults, and children suffering from other types of cancer.
Wolfgang Rennhofer – Telefon: 0664/3107338
Johanna Kern-Walder - Phone: 0699/150 51 630
Active Group East Tyrol offers help for self-help
The stomach rebels, irritable bowel syndrome, fear of diarrhea, dizziness, heart palpitations and we are confused and confused. We avoid other people or places and get caught up in recurring, frightening thoughts. Fear controls our lives and prevents us from being truly happy - fear makes us mentally ill! Whether we are hit by severe panic attacks or suffer from constant anxiety or stress, we all have something in common: “We want to feel better again!” We want to break the vicious circle of panic, fear and worry! We want to feel relaxed, safe, calm and in control of our lives!” We are not alone! A solid foundation for developing new strategies for changing our personality is talking to people who know our fears - with those similarly affected in the East Tyrolean active group. Together we look for answers and solutions to heal our mental disorders. We learn to think differently, behave differently and therefore react differently. Fear and panic is not a mental illness. Fear and anxiety is a natural part of our personality. However, when it disrupts our lives, it becomes a disruption.
ÖGCC certified case and care manager, nursing advice, delegation, home care, medical home care, hourly relief for caregiving relatives, care for ventilated patients
Mobile support services offer young adults with learning difficulties the opportunity for support in independent living and assistance in autonomous living in everyday life.
Another facility of Diakonie de la Tour is the "Sprungbrett Glöckelturm" - Contact person is Carola Steiner 04852/64209 or 0664/88272646 or by email with
Further contact options:
Carola Steiner
Outreach work in public space
Contact point for all youth-related questions
Counseling and support
Phone available Mon - Fri afternoons
Appointments are arranged individually
Further contact options:
Manuela Zabernig 0650/28 02 7 24
TrainingFit is an offer for young people and young adults after completing their compulsory education who are looking for support for their further school or vocational training.
We address young people up to the age of 21 or up to the age of 24 with special educational, social, or emotional support needs.
Funded by the Social Ministry Service and the European Social Fund.
The PRE-MODULE offers structurally distant young adults between 15 and 24 years the opportunity to find a daily structure, tackle problems, pursue goals, and move towards education. The PRE-MODULE TrainingFit East Tyrol is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs. 0664/88 895 399
Outreach family support for one year as a bridge function to existing offers. The target group are families with children up to the age of 3. We navigate and refer families to existing offers tailored to their needs. Acute support for mental stress around birth.
The sponsors of the project are the TGKK and the State of Tyrol.
Social work on behalf of the criminal justice system (probation assistance, assistance for released prisoners, electronically monitored house arrest, compensation for victims, community service)
Further contact options:
0676/84 733 1 636
Fax: 0512/580404-15
ÖMCCV - Austrian Crohn"s and Colitis Ulcerosa Association
Mo bis Fr: 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr Psychosoziale Consultation/Hotline: 0664/19 91 9 91
Case Management: Free service of TGKK for people who need support due to a changed life situation: 059160/3911 or 3915
Control doctor days: Tue, Wed, Thu: 08:00 - 12:00
Control doctor days for sick leave: Wed and Thu: 08:00 - 12:00
Free offers: visiting service, crisis intervention (alerted via 144 or as part of the emergency services), social support in conjunction with adult social work, Team Austria board, fin. Immediate help in acute emergency situations and school bag campaign (collection and distribution...), dream trip
Associated with costs: Supervised transport service, Assisted travel, Meals on Wheels, Emergency call service, Exercise into old age
The Red Cross is a well-coordinated network of humanity and provides strength and support to people in need. Apart from rescue and qualified medical transport, we increasingly also offer a humanitarian safety net in the field of Health and Social Services (HSS) and are a reliable companion for those in need of care and support, elderly people, and the socially disadvantaged.
Information, advice and/or appointment scheduling via our service center at 04852/62321
Selbsthilfeverein - Wir stärken Familyn mit besonderen Kindern im Alltag durch Wissen und Tipps, unterstützen in der Gemeinschaft und zeigen als Interessenvertretung gemeinsame Anliegen auf um so die Lebensbedingungen positiv zu beeinflussen.
Important to us:
The non-profit association is represented by volunteer workers who offer free social counseling and freedom design (out of isolation) for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses in a barrier-free manner.
Living inclusion - it is important and our goal in all offers and areas of the association
ÖZIV SUPPORT offers coaching and counseling for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses of working age.
Further contact options:
MMag. Martina Gsaller
0699/15 66 06 10
Organization of 24-hour care
Placement of caregivers
Quality assurance in personal care
Training - Academy for personal care
Relief for caring relatives
We advise and support people with various mental illnesses.
Unsere Angebote: Mobile Begleitung, Basisrehabilitation und Tagesstruktur, Teilzeitbetreute Wohngemeinschaft
Psychosocial support in coping with everyday life. Not only illness, but also serious personal crises can be more easily overcome with psychosocial support.
So I offer my expertise and support not only to those directly affected, but also to their relatives. In addition to developing an individual support plan, I support
those seeking help in communicating with other institutions, doctors, and authorities.
We see ourselves as the first low-threshold point of contact for people in mental crises and their relatives. Our four-member multi-professional team consists of a social pedagogue, a psychologist, a nurse with a psychiatric diploma, and a social worker.
RAINBOWS accompanies and supports children and adolescents affected by the separation/divorce of parents or the death of a close reference person.
Comprehensive offer: RAINBOWS GROUP (4 - 17 years)
Individual support in case of death
Coaching for professionals
Mandatory parental counseling before mutual divorce according to § 95 para. 1a AG
Individual or couple counseling for separation
Further contact options:
MMag. Barbara Baumgartner
0512/57 99 30
We support children with learning difficulties, aged 6 to 18, from economically disadvantaged families through targeted learning support.
This is not intended as competition to tutoring at schools or other tutoring facilities, but aims to make an additional contribution to enabling equal opportunities.
Socio-economic enterprises with fixed-term employment (6 or 12 months) in relatively protected workplaces with socio-pedagogical support (if necessary) for long-term unemployed women and men in cooperation with the AMS - Lienz.
School psychology - educational counseling offers free and confidential advice and support for all problems that arise during the school years, for example, we can help with learning problems such as concentration weakness, reading and writing difficulties or arithmetic weakness, with emotional problems such as school anxiety or school refusal, with psychosomatic problems, with questions about educational paths.
The SCHUSO - School Social Work East Tyrol offers under the motto "open, voluntary and confidential" at the NMS Nußdorf-Debant, the NMS Egger-Lienz, the NMS Lienz-Nord and the PTS Lienz social work consultations, prevention and intervention work in the form of social group work and projects, it competently mediates, does public relations work, shapes the school day and engages in the community or social space.
Further contact options:
MS Egger-Lienz
0676/63 32 5 95
MS Lienz- Nord
0676/63 32 5 96
MMS Nußdorf-Debant
0676/63 31 6 75
VS Debant
PTS Lienz
Advice on all matters of the inclusion of people with disabilities and how the life of people with and without disabilities can succeed in the parishes;
Reinhold Pölsler is a volunteer employee in the pastoral care office of the Diocese of Innsbruck, Department of Family and Life Counseling, in whose area of responsibility the pastoral care of people with disabilities falls; he leads the ecumenical working group "Barrier-Free Churches" of the Diocese of Innsbruck.
In personal conversations with those affected and their relatives, with those responsible in parishes and church institutions, the different aspects and effects of the special needs of these people and possible steps to improve the quality of life of those affected are explained.
Counseling on all matters related to limited hearing ability;
Reinhold Pölsler is a volunteer worker at the Pastoral Care Office of the Diocese of Innsbruck, Department of Family and Life Guidance, which includes pastoral care for people with disabilities.
In personal conversations with those affected and their relatives, with responsible persons in parishes and church institutions, the different aspects and effects of hearing impairment and possible steps to improve the quality of life of those affected are explained.
Purpose of self-help
Self-help Osttirol is - in addition to self-help group work - a point of contact for people in difficult life situations. Comprehensive support and awareness of various medical conditions are important. In topic-specific self-help groups, members experience understanding, openness, mutual support, and gain necessary information through exchange of experiences. Self-help groups cannot replace therapy, but are a valuable addition.
Our services are free / confidential / voluntary
We are a group of recovering alcoholics and their relatives who got to know each other through dealing with the topic of “alcoholism”. We have extensive therapy experience, know various self-help groups and have had intensive discussions with experts, therapists, addiction counselors and doctors. We support people regardless of nationality, ideology and religion. Everyone is welcome, whether they are affected or a relative, regardless of their profession. The club is independent. We generally recommend self-help groups as demonstrably helpful support on the path to recovery, but are deliberately neutral with regard to the type of self-help groups. We want to provide information about the topic of “alcoholism”, provide those affected with advice and support, encourage them and show that there are very good options for quitting. We want to offer family and friends of people with alcohol problems support, give them hope and give them the opportunity to exchange ideas. Our goal is to work with those affected to achieve recognition, self-esteem and joy in life. The privacy of each individual is protected. There is no written or electronic record of any kind. We are specifically looking for a way into the public.
Group meetings for affected alcoholics
AD(H)S – Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Syndrom & Hyperaktivität: Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit/Hyperaktivitätsstörung; Konzentrationsstörungen; Hyperaktivität; Kennzeichen sind beeinträchtigte Aufmerksamkeit, Impulsivität und manchmal motorische Überaktivität
Family members of people with an alcohol problem
- The support group enriches your experience that you are not alone with your hearing impairment and the associated problems and feelings.
- The support group helps you to find your own strategies in dealing with hearing impairment, to recognize your own limits and to communicate them without prejudice.
- I learn to create my space and necessary listening breaks.
The support group helps me to strengthen the courage to say no and to be different.
I recognize my abilities despite reduced hearing ability and know where I can use them.
I discover how valuable I am to others. I can do a lot of good.
I enjoy belonging where those affected are willing to speak openly about their personal boundaries.
Blind and visually impaired people in East Tyrol
For many people, the diagnosis of cancer begins a time of reorientation. In private and professional life. Some feel fear, anger, hopelessness or shame. Others don"t dare talk about it and are afraid of burdening those around them.
In a situation like this, it"s just good to get in touch with other women suffering from breast cancer, talk openly with them about their fears and hopes and try to cope with the situation a little better together.
Chronic respiratory diseases are a major upheaval in the lives of those affected and their families, which must be coped with positively.
The severe illness is accompanied by strong psychological stress.
In our self-help group CHAP-East Tyrol, participants are professionally and comprehensively informed by various speakers, can ask questions and exchange ideas with others.
Under the motto "With the knowledge gained, achieve more mobility", general well-being can improve and thus more quality of life can be achieved again.
In the group, everyone has the opportunity to contribute their individual experiences of illness.
Together, we search for answers and solutions to make it easier to live with the disease on a daily basis.
Offer lung sports group (please contact the group leader in advance)
It is our goal together to show affected diabetics opportunities for a better quality of life in order to avoid diabetes-related damage.
Through the exchange of experiences within the group and through lectures and expert presentations at our group meetings, we want to help reduce existing difficulties in dealing with diabetes together with professionals.
Everyday situations and unusual challenges - every situation demands the appropriate behavior from us.
Find new options with a lot of fun - for more joy and growing quality of life.
Dystonia - Self-help East Tyrol
Not only the affected individuals themselves suffer from anorexia and bulimia, but also their relatives and close friends. That is why we have launched a discussion group where relatives of people with eating disorders can exchange their experiences and support each other. For this reason, we have established a self-help group that offers the relatives of anorexic and bulimic individuals the opportunity to exchange ideas, find support, and openly express thoughts, fears, and questions.
Further contact options:
For Affected: Psychotherapist Beate Persil-Gruber: 0664/5072252
For Relatives Elfriede Vergeiner: 0664/385606
Bullying occurs when students are repeatedly exposed to verbal or physically violent actions by other classmates and are thereby pushed out of the group.
Heart Sports Group Lienz
Support group for relatives of severely ill children
Since the diagnosis, nothing is the same as before. Will my child live or die? When? How? Why? Apart from hospital stays, therapies, and check-ups, one finds oneself in a constant emotional rollercoaster between hoping and fearing for the sick child. Nevertheless, one has to manage a "normal" daily routine: working, cooking, doing laundry - just functioning.
Perhaps there are siblings of the sick child who also need their share of love, time, and attention. The whole family is challenged in the task of enjoying time with the sick child and giving both life and death a dignified chance. A difficult and intense challenge that can be easier to overcome together.
In our support group, there should be room for all questions, feelings, and concerns. The exchange of experiences of affected relatives is in the foreground. If needed, we can also invite experts (psychologists, nurses, palliative care physicians, etc.) to clarify specific questions and give us strength.
Further contact options:
Huberta Passler (affected mother)
0664 /522 73 46
FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE Fructose intolerance, or fructose malabsorption, is the inability to digest fructose found in food. Fructose is a simple sugar mainly found in fruits in nature. It is also present in honey and table sugar (sucrose).
Symptoms: Flatulence, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, depressed mood caused by reduced serotonin production (= messenger substance in the brain, responsible for mood) and immune deficiency caused by a zinc deficiency.
HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE Histamine is essential for the human organism because it fulfills vital functions. It is both produced in the body and absorbed in varying amounts through food. Symptoms: Migraines, headaches, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, rapid heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias, low blood pressure, menstrual pain, runny nose, dry nose, asthma, depression, itchy skin, redness of the skin.
Further contact options:
Open group for all relatives of mentally ill persons (all diagnoses); Individual consultations possible by telephone appointment
Under the motto "Illness as an opportunity", we present ourselves as an active self-help group for people who are suffering from cancer and for people who have recovered from cancer, to share their own experiences about ways and opportunities for recovery with those who are still ill.
ARKUS Osttirol-Working Group Child and School: The ARKUS Association (Working Group Child and School) emerged from a self-help group of parents of dyslexic children.
Our association supports affected children and their parents in the areas of dyslexia and dyscalculia.
What does the association offer?
Medical and psychological counseling by speakers
MS Youngsters - Multiple Sclerosis - Support group
Organ Transplant and Dialysis Support Group East Tyrol
Further contact options:
Maria Poppeller
0699/12 31 23 01 - Dialysis
Evelyn Girstmaier
0650/60 92 8 66 – Transplant
Osteoporosis Support Group East Tyrol
Parkinson"s Disease Support Group East Tyrol
Polyneuropathy Support Group East Tyrol
What can the Prostate Cancer Self-Help Osttirol do for you?
Diagnosis "Prostate Cancer" - a deep incision in the life of those affected and their families, which must be coped with positively. The serious illness is accompanied by strong psychological stress. We, the self-help group, do not leave you alone with this diagnosis!
Before the operation
How do other men live after their operation? What consequences for my quality of life can I expect in practice? Am I actually continent and potent again after the operation?
After the operation
Exchange of experiences after the operation
In our self-help group, you have the opportunity to exchange valuable experiences with "suffering colleagues". With men who are in the same life situation and know your uncertainties and fears only too well.
People who take time for your concerns and to whom you can confide.
3. Support and assistance
We accompany you on your healing process and offer you assistance in every phase, especially before and after the operation.
Stroke - Self-help group Osttirol
Suicide left behind?! Help for relatives of people who have taken their own lives
Suicide usually plunges the relatives into the abyss, because this type of death cannot be understood. Suicide can be associated with speechlessness, self-doubt, blame, shame, and many fears for the affected family members.
Group meetings: Meetings possible at any time after telephone contact
Self-help group "Synapse - Lobby group for learning disabilities"
For all those who mourn a child who has died during pregnancy, at birth, or after birth.
Individual conversations possible at any time after telephone consultation
Discussion round with affected parents and hospital chaplain Maria Radziwon
Sternenkinder is a self-help group for parents who mourn their child, regardless of how old the child was at the time of death and how long ago it was. Parents who have lost their child during pregnancy, at birth, or after birth often feel isolated and abandoned. They find themselves in a life situation for which our society is hardly sensitized.
The despair of those affected, who feel helpless after the death of a child, finds a place in a support group. Here is space for conversation with parents who have endured the same fate. Space for mourning, where one is not left alone. For relatives and friends, it is usually very difficult to comprehend how intense and long-lasting this pain actually persists. One wants to encourage parents to embrace mourning and give themselves the time they need for processing this experienceneed.
Further contact options:
Monika Pucher-Schweiger - (affected mother)
0676/32 54 5 40
Maria Radziwon - Hospital chaplain
04852 / 606 - 85201
Open discussion round with affected parents
Individual conversations possible by appointment
Many bereaved parents are faced with the question of how to deal with their grief, how to find courage, hope, and above all strength to continue their own lives.
Grief becomes more bearable over time, but sometimes it comes back and very intensely.
There are lows and points where everything starts anew.
There are no time limits for grief, one can only learn to deal with it.
MOURNING is an inevitable feeling of life, the right and spontaneous response to every loss and farewell.
MOURNING wants to be noticed whenever it comes to the center of life.
MOURNERS do not need advice.
MOURNERS need to be carried, supported, and understood as long as they need it for themselves, and in the way they wish.
Our support group is a complement to professional help
We meet every last Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the self-help center, Lawer Iselweg 5 a
If desired, individual conversations are also possible!
Further contact options:
Susanne Resl
0680/22 61 6 89
Sandra Laßnig
0676/42 30 178
When the behavior, thoughts, and often even the personality of a loved one become strange to us, it is on the one hand associated with the loss of a familiar "normality", and on the other hand with serious disappointments in the relationship life. The own pain about it makes it difficult to acknowledge the illness and the desire that everything may become as it was before often leads to selfless dedication, even to the feeling of being a "helpless helper"! If one has a similar fate oneself, one can empathize quite well with the situation of the other affected person. The experiences of other participants are a valuable stimulus for coping with one"s own situation. In order to perceive one"s own feelings such as hopelessness, grief, and also feelings of guilt, we need space, time, and understanding support. By participating in the monthly group meetings, one has the opportunity to break free from one"s own isolation and to become "experts in one"s own affairs" through the exchange of experiences with other group members. des anderen Betroffenen hineinfühlen. Die Erfahrungen anderer TeilnehmerInnen ist eine wertvolle Anregung zur Bewältigung der eigenen Situation. Um eigene Gefühle wie Hoffnungslosigkeit, Trauer und auch Schuldgefühle wahrnehmen zu können, benötigen wir Raum, Zeit und eine verständnisvolle Begleitung. Durch die Teilnahme an den monatlichen Gruppentreffen hat man die Möglichkeit, sich aus der eigenen Isolation zu lösen und durch den Exchange of experience mit anderen Gruppenmitgliedern zu „Experten in eigener Sache“ zu werden.
Celiac Disease and Lactose Intolerance Support Group East Tyrol
Further contact options:
Obererlacher Daniela
0664/10 05 8 22
Mental Health Issues Support Group Villgratental
A scientifically based senior training program, which is built on the pillars of physical training, memory training, competence training, i.e., body - mind - soul. It is aimed at people from the age of 60 who want to shape their aging positively and as independently as possible, preventively train their memory, and maintain their mobility and thus their safety through psychomotor exercises. All of this is offered in a completely non-competitive, cheerful community, under the guidance of trained SelbA trainers, also with the aim of then releasing the groups to work independently again. This can also counteract the greatest enemy of old age - loneliness. SelbA-TrainerInnen angeboten,auch mit dem Ziel, die Gruppen dann wieder in eigenständiges Worken zu entlassen. Damit kann nebenbei auch dem größten Feind des Alters – der Einsamkeit – entgegnet werden.
If the use of public transport is no longer reasonable and there is a lack of transportation options in the family or acquaintances circle, then from now on
the Senior Mobile is available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:00 and Friday afternoon for the senior fair at the Debant nursing home.
by 12:00 noon the day before at the district office 04852/64633
For persons
from the district communities (Dölsach, Iselsberg-Stronach, Lavant, Nikolsdorf, Nußdorf-Debant),
who receive care allowance
or have a disability ID
or are temporarily unable to drive.
Purposes of use:
Doctor"s visits
Hospital appointments
Therapy visits
Shopping and errand trips (bank, post office, hairdresser, foot care, etc.)
Visits to relatives and acquaintances
Area of operation
Municipal area of the five district communities and the city of Lienz.
The "Senior Mobile" is understood as a pure pick-up and drop-off service,
interim accompaniment at the destination is not provided.
The use of the "Senior Mobile" is free of charge under the above conditions.
Of course, several people can be transported simultaneously.
Voluntary small donations to the social district are gladly accepted and are intended to help cover a small part of the operating costs.
The dates for the trips are arranged according to the registration time.
During the initial registration, you will be informed about any necessary documents (e.g. copy of care allowance decision...).
Please understand that only a limited number of trips can be allocated.
We wish you pleasant trips and always arrive home safely!
Soroptimist International is a vibrant, dynamic organization for today"s working women.
If you are sick, need care or need other assistance, we want to work with you to find the care that is “right” for you.
The key to an individual care plan is cooperation with the client, relatives, and doctor. We plan care and support according to the client"s individual needs and address their concerns, seven days a week!
We want those being cared for and caregivers to experience this phase of their lives with optimism and security. No one should fear this situation. Because we are capable, strong, and reliable partners by your side.
Our professional team consists of qualified health and nursing professionals, certified nursing assistants, elderly care specialists, and trained home helpers:
The Social District Matrei in East Tyrol is an essential and indispensable institution for the population of Matrei. We are always striving to carry out the tasks entrusted to us to the fullest satisfaction of our clients.
Further contact options:
Managing Director Barbara Riepler
We are an independent association in the field of mobile care and support. Our efforts focus on the entrusted person, whom we offer the opportunity to be cared for in their familiar environment.
In our day care center ""Sprengelstube"" we offer older people from all over East Tyrol the opportunity to spend the day well cared for and in community, but to be back home in their own four walls in the evening. Our professional team offers a varied daily program and supports the day guests in activating and maintaining their independence.
We also offer hospital-replacing measures such as Medical Home Care and Palliative Care. These services are billed directly to the health insurance companies by us, so clients incur no costs for them.
We are a point of contact for people who need help, support, and care.
Our services: Advice, Medical care, Nursing, Home help/Housekeeping service, Meals on wheels.
Wishes and ideas are discussed with the clients, a care plan is created, the rates are socially staggered.
Further contact options:
PDL Géraldine Mühlmann MBA
During office hours During office hours
or Mon - Fri from 07:00 - 18:00 on: 0699/13336296
We are an independent, non-profit association in the field of mobile home care, elderly care, and home assistance.
At the center of our efforts is the person entrusted to us. We help to provide them with the opportunity to be cared for in their familiar home environment. Building a trusting relationship and mutual respect is the basis for successful support of those in need of care in their daily activities. As guests in the homes of our patients, it is important for us to respect their privacy.
Our professional team consists of qualified health and nursing professionals, nursing assistants, home helpers, and domestic helpers.
We are a mobile care and support service with a wide range of services (care, home assistance, household services, meals on wheels, care products, senior mobile, hospice team).
We support people in need of help and care so that they can be cared for in their familiar home environment.
We are an association supported by many kind helping hands, here for you.
Our services: Medical home care, home care, family assistance, home and household help, and meals on wheels.
We are a central point of contact in the municipalities of Prägraten a.G. and Virgin for people who need care, support, and assistance, and offer them the opportunity to be cared for in their familiar home environment.
Our services: Medical home care, home care, counseling, home help and household assistance, meals on wheels.
Stoma Aid East Tyrol
Anonymous, free counseling for people with drug and addiction problems, their relatives and significant others, in every TYROLEAN district.
Addiction prevention/ Information at schools
Outreach social work in the home / living space of the person concerned.
The day care center is located in the old community center in the center of Abfaltersbach.
We are here for you: Tuesday - Thursday - Friday, from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
Our contact address:
Social district Assling-Anras-Abfaltersbach, 9911 Unterassling 28,
Phone: 04855 8133, E-mail:
The Disability Association represents the interests and concerns of all people with disabilities, regardless of type or cause.
The TSD- Tyrolean Social Services GmbH is a 100% state-owned subsidiary. In 2015, the refugee coordination was outsourced from the state of Tyrol and reorganized as a charitable GmbH. The TSD is responsible for ensuring basic care for all asylum seekers staying in Tyrol.
Accompaniment of grieving families in the design of celebrations in the church or cemetery, leading funerals without a priest, hike on Hochstein "Consolation of the Mountains" to cope with grief, author of texts for hospice work and grief counseling (books and CDs)
Mobile psychiatric care for senior citizens;
Outreach specialist nursing service.
For people from about 60 years of age with mental and neurological disorders
The association "Mia helfen" is dedicated to the development and implementation of projects to promote the integration of migrants. Our most important project is "Cooking with Refugees". In cooking workshops, we cook dishes from their home countries together with migrants. In return, we introduce them to our Austrian cuisine to promote mutual understanding, break down barriers, and contribute to the success of a good integration.
The association "Mia helfen" works on a voluntary basis and relies on voluntary donations for the material expenses of our projects.
ARKUS stands for Working Group for Children and Schools.
ARKUS is a non-profit association that emerged from a self-help group of parents of dyslexic children. Specially trained educators improve the reading, writing, and math skills, as well as the perception and concentration of affected children with individual training programs.
By noticeable improvement and strengthening of self-confidence, the affected students cope with the school day more easily. This leads to relief in the family and school situation.
In 1990, the association was founded to offer all East Tyroleans the opportunity of free accommodation near the clinic to be able to be close to sick family members. To this day, we have been able to provide appropriate support to all applicants.
The association is financed by donations.
We support women in (re)entering the workforce by offering fixed-term employment contracts with accompanying socio-pedagogical counseling.
Representation Network advises and represents people with mental or intellectual impairments who are not able to do so themselves.
Representation Network also includes other areas of expertise: Patient Advocacy (in psychiatry) and Resident Representation.
The new platform for NEIGHBORHOOD ASSISTANCE. The inter-municipal neighborhood assistance for those SEEKING help and those OFFERING help in the social district with the municipalities of Dölsach, Iselsberg-Stronach, Lavant, Nikolsdorf, and Nussdorf-Debant.
HELP EXCHANG E: Errands, Shopping, Courier services, Accompaniment, Assistance with authorities/forms, Household assistance, Pet care or Cooking table in the neighborhood
The WIFI is active in the field of professional education and further training. Accordingly, the training offer is also designed in this direction. In this context, educational counseling and aptitude tests for persons aged 14 and over are offered and carried out.
The Center for Marriage and Family Issues is one of the first and oldest Tyrolean family counseling centers, offering a diverse range of counseling services for individuals, couples, and families since 1966. Counseling for us means help for self-help, strengthening self-confidence and decision-making ability, support in (re) discovering and activating one"s own skills, accompanying in a difficult phase of life, accompanying in crises and conflicts, passing on information and knowledge in specific areas.
Currently, we only offer shipping within Austria and to Germany. The current rates of the Austrian Post AG apply. After completing your order, an employee will contact you and inform you of the total amount including shipping costs.
After completing your order, an employee will contact you by email to inform you of the total amount including shipping costs. Please transfer the amount afterwards so that we can process your order.