Page 41 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 41
City fountain with stone basin.
The town tour continues through Muchargas- front, a 1958 fresco depicting a
se, formerly known as Münich- or Mönchs- bourgeois trading scene by Franz
gasse (Monk Alley), to Johannesplatz (St
John’s Square). From there, a network of Walchegger from Lienz.
streets and paths to important locations
branches out: Judengasse, Zwergergasse, Further west towards
Rosengasse, Torgasse, Muchargasse. the Upper Old Town
47 City fountain with stone ba-
In front of the “Hotel Sonne” stands sin, in front of Muchargasse 1 –
the stone sculpture “DNS-De- 1943 repoussé work by Hermann
kalog” (“DNA Decalogue”) by Fritz Pedit Sr.
Tiefenthaler as a memorial to the
Ten Commandments. Johannesplatz (St John’s Square)
– This square was originally outside
To the east
of the town gates. It was the ori-
45 “Adlerstüberl”, Andrä-Kranz- gin of “Lienz’s middle class”, with
Gasse 4 – Formerly “Schwarzer workshops, market halls, taverns
Adler” (“Black Eagle”), it is one of and hostels. It is the former loca-
the town’s oldest inns and hou- tion of the Church of St John the
sed many famous guests, such as Baptist (memorial plaque), which
Emperor Karl V when he was on originated in the 13th century. Af-
St Florian’s fountain at the main square.
the run from the Protestant elector ter a devastating fire, it was rebu-
Public Fountains of Lienz Moritz of Saxony in May of 1552. ilt from 1468 to 1491. After being
For a long time, the building was destroyed in another fire in 1798,
The cityscape of Lienz is marked by its various fountains. There’s the seat of the Thurn and Taxis the ruins were removed in 1815.
barely a square or street where people are not accompanied by the post company. In 1597, the Mulleth 48 St Mary’s Column, originally
splashing of fountain water. Simple and plain, traditional, modern, family acquired the place and, after located in the main square, was
or designed by famous artists. Up until 1582, the rivers Isel and being raised to nobility, they used placed here in 1861. The statue of
Drava were the town’s sources of drinking water. There was no it as their seat “Thurnhausen”. In Mary was created by Michael Ras-
water supply facility. Only after the plague had wreaked havoc did 1673, it was sold to local innkeeper ner in 1716.
the town decide to build wells. Thomas Hibler.
49 Oldest town hall of Lienz,
The “Prappernitz” water source fed the first well of Lienz in 1596 Hans-von-Graben-Gasse 2 – Ori- Muchargasse 1 – On the southern
and began a new era of water. The pipes were made of wood ginally outside the expanded sett- side, the 1955 fresco “Troubadour
at the time. The wells and fountains, as the only central water lement, this alley presumably ser- Heinrich, Count of Lienz at the Go-
sources, were hubs for the population. Even today, people in Lienz ved as a moat. On the west side rizian Court” by Franz Walchegger
love to sit at the splashing public fountains. In an endless stream, 46 of the house, one can see Hans (Lienz).
top-quality drinking water flows from all the taps. von Graben’s coat of arms, from
1510. His family was influential in
the decades around 1500. To the
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