Page 46 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 46
Rosengasse (Rose Alley) – The Through the bottleneck at the end
former name “Herrengasse” (Lords’ of Rosengasse, where once there
Alley) indicates that noble and we- stood the town gate, torn down
althy citizens lived here. The revita- in 1871, and across Kreuzgasse,
lisation and paving of the old alley one reaches the former “suburb”
has revived the historical flair. An- of Meranergasse, called “Messing-
other point of attraction is the new, gasse” (Brass Alley) since the 19th
old-style fountain in front of the century.
pharmacy. It resembles its prede-
cessor, which was once part of the 51 The column shrine at the start
cityscape and provided water for of the northern part of Kreuzgasse
animals as well. bears the date of 8 April 1609. On
that day, in textile worker Christoph
50 Birthplace of Dr Emanuel von Ebenperger’s house across the
Hibler (memorial plaque), Rosen- road, a disastrous fire broke out,
gasse 7 – Hibler was a professor of which due to the strong wind qui-
anatomical pathology at the Univer- ckly spread into the centre. Within
sity of Innsbruck and was interna- three hours, the entire town had
tionally renowned for his scientific become a sea of flames. Lienz
publications. He died at a relatively certainly counts among the most
young age from blood poisoning frequently burned down towns in
after being exposed to putrefaction Tyrol, which prompted travel writer
toxins while performing an autopsy Ludwig Steub to make the follo-
in front of students. wing sarcastic comment in 1875:
“Since long ago, the town of Lienz
observes the custom of occasio-
nally burning to the ground and
then being rebuilt all over again.”
View from Gartengasse (Garden Alley) to the northern part of Kreuzgasse (Cross Alley).
Rosengasse – A modern shopping street with vintage flair.
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