Page 48 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 48
52 Messinggasse – On house Soon after the town fire of 1609,
number 6, there is a depiction of the works changed hands and rea-
troubadour Heinrich, Count of Li- ched its peak in the second half of
enz (c. 1190-1256) from the Codex the 18th century, with about 100
Manesse. To the right, the “Alte employees. The primary products
Schmiede” (Old Blacksmith’s were raw brass, sheet metal and
Shop) and the branching path to wires, which were then mostly ex-
Alleestraße. ported to Italy and, via the Austrian
harbour at Trieste, to the Levant,
The former brass works, or brass i.e. the eastern Mediterranean. 12
factory, was founded by Baron houses in the former Meranergas-
Christoph von Wolkenstein in 1564, se were part of the brass business.
with a then-nearby branch of the The brass works was officially dis-
Drava as its energy source. It was banded in 1824.
once considered a large enterprise.
The town marked during Advent, in the traditional Messinggasse.
Branching path – 54 South Tyroleans’ settlement –
expanded tour variant After the agreement between dic-
tators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mus-
53 “Fischwirt Villa” (Villa Vergei- solini regarding the possibility of
ner), Dolomitenstraße 19 – The resettling South Tyroleans into the
monumental, romantic building of German Reich in 1939, many South
historicism was created from 1903 Tyroleans settled in Lienz. The sett-
to 1904 by Santo Puntel (Lienz) in a lement, typical of the Nazi period,
combination of multiple styles. was built from 1940 to 1942.
Fischwirt Villa and the Spitzkofel, 2718 m.
Town market of Lienz – Markets have a multi-century history in
Lienz. Economic life in the old times was dominated by markets
and fairs. People traded, bought and came into contact. Every Fri-
day afternoon and Saturday morning, the traditional town market
takes place in Messinggasse. “Fresh, high quality and regionality”
– to fulfil this motto is of the highest priority. It’s a very special at-
mosphere when the many visitors stroll through the former artisanal
alley. The primary offer consists of farm products like bacon, sau-
sages, meat, cheese, bread, honey etc. But there are also fresh ve-
getables, liquors, small gifts, fish and specialities of our Italian neig-
hbours. A stroll through the town market should not be missed.
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