Page 39 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 39
An oasis of tranquility. The garden of the Franciscan monastery.
44 Franciscan monastery and 1480), the former retables by Ni- The monastery’s church with the main altar by Jos Pirkner.
Church of the Assumption of kolaus Kenntner from Lienz (1440)
Our Lady – Founded by Countess with Saints Nicholas, Sebastian, the Cross by Johann Georg Höttin- first half of the 18th century. A look
Euphemia of Gorizia-Tyrol and her Helena, Ursula, Catherine, Barbara, ger (1728). In the cloister, there are through the cloister windows reve-
sons as a Carmelite monastery. John the Baptist and Margaret. Ab- numerous panels showing scenes als a sculpture of Saint Francis in
The Carmelites cared for the Gorizi- ove the “Legend of Leonhard”, the from the lives of Carmelite saints, the garden. Above the entrance to
an benefice at Schloss Bruck and, “Trinity” was painted by Sebastian prophets and the history of the the former chapter house: a secco
from the 18th century onwards, the Gerumer in 1468. Fragments of fre- order, alongside 34 Baroque por- painting of the “seven liberal arts”
Lienz garnison; in the second half scos showing St George (second traits of order founders from the from the 18th century.
of the 18th century, they taught the half of the 14th century), the Four-
male pupils of Lienz. In the time of teen Holy Helpers and a Passion
Josephinism, the Carmelite monas- cycle (around 1470) can be seen
tery was disbanded in 1785 and gi- under the gallery. In 1976, Jos Pirk-
ven to the Franciscans. ner designed the main altar in the
form of a Gothic winged altar with
The construction of the church scenes relating to Mary, the Resur-
was completed around 1369. The rection and the Franciscan Order.
main nave was renovated by the
Gorizian construction society from The neo-Gothic pulpit, from
1430 to 1440. From then, the con- 1876/77, was decorated with re-
sistent late Gothic style has remai- liefs of Franciscan saints by Karl
ned unchanged to this day. The Fuetsch. Particularly impactful is
room is divided into five bays un- the “Feldner cross”, surrounded by
der a star-ribbed vault. Particular many tales. It is almost 500 years
standouts among the rich frescos old and came to the convent via
are the “Dance of Angels” around many detours. The Gothic pietà,
the first keystone of the choir vault created around 1400 and remade
(around 1480), the “Coronation of in the 19th century, was once re-
Mary” by Sebastian Gerumer from vered as a devotional image. The The legendary “Feldner cross”,
a.k.a. “Deferegger cross”.
Lienz behind the main altar (around paintings include the 14 Stations of
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