Page 35 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 35
From Schloss Bruck one can visit 34 The Memorial to the Tyrolean
33 the historical inn “Gribelehof”. Freedom Fights was erected in
Like everyone living outside the 1910. The square forms a funnel
walls of Lienz, the “Gribler” peop- shape towards the Schweizergas-
le had to do unpaid labour under se. Economically speaking, artisan
lordly rule. The inhabitants of the crafts and trade played the most
“Gribelehof” were obliged to re- important role here. A remarkable
move snow and manure from the amount of tanneries, one of which
castle. The little room with wooden is still active in this very alley, were
panelling from 1771 is well worth a located here. The Schweizergasse
visit. still seems rather ancient. The wes-
tern part in particular consists of a
Return to Schweizergasse or remarkable ensemble of 15th/16th
Egger-Lienz-Platz. – Aside from the fastest
connection via Schlossgasse, there is the century houses. The typical Lienz
possibility of taking a walk through the sha- city house is a simple, elongated,
ded Alleestraße and Gartengasse. entirely plastered, solid building
with the roof ridge running paral-
lel to the street. The house layout,
Continuation of main route
with the hallway in the middle or to
the side, resulted in a practical di-
Schweizergasse (Swiss Alley) – vision of rooms. Rooms branched
In the area of the Dominican con- from the hallway. The rooms facing
vent, we cross the place where, for the sun were usually used as work-
centuries, two fairs lasting 14 days shops or shops.
each were held.
Inauguration of the memorial to the Tyrolean freedom fights in Schweizergasse in 1910.
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