Page 38 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 38
Bourgeois city houses in Lienz con- 39 Schweizergasse 5 – Here, the
sistently had two floors and rather oldest remaining secular fre-
plain façades. The resulting unifor- scos of the Lienz district can be
mity of streets and alleys is charac- seen. Of the frescos that once co-
teristic of this town. Not visible from vered the house entirely, only the
the street are gardens and green “Woman with the Tyrolean coat of
spaces, which are found behind arms” and the “Shepherd and his
the houses. herd under a group of trees” remain
35 Restaurant “Goldener Stern”
(“Golden Star”), Schweizergasse 40 Egger-Lienz-Platz (Eg-
40 – Serving guests since the early ger-Lienz Square) – The square
18th century. At the roadside, there was remade in the early 1950s
is a von Graben coat of arms from and named for Egger-Lienz in the
around 1500, along with the iron 1980s. At the centre is a memorial
snake (symbol of the High Court). to the remarkable artist and avant-
gardist of Austrian art. Dedicated
36 House of Albin Egger-Lienz’s by his hometown of Lienz and
father, Schweizergasse 33 – Ge- created by sculptor Siegfried Haf-
org Egger, a photographer, sup- ner (1996).
ported his son Albin’s education, in
whose career he saw the fulfilment 41 Old city wall and “Iselturm”
of his own dream. A permanent ex- (“Isel tower”) – Ruin parts clearly
hibition of Egger-Lienz’s work can visible to the north. A former roun-
be seen at Schloss Bruck. del was expanded into a tower in
1952. Next to it, the fresco “Knight,
37 Löschgässchen (roughly “litt- Farmer, Merchant” from 1952.
le firefighting alleyway”), between
Schweizergasse 24 and 26 – One 42 Neue Mittelschule (New
of the three former alleyways Middle School) “Egger-Lienz”,
through which water to extinguish Muchargasse 8 – This building,
fires could be transported. To the called “German Schoolhouse” in
left side, Färbergasse; to the right 1775, was rebuilt according to
side, the Isel. This alley houses the plans by architects Rizzardi and
last active tannery, run by the Wim- Madile in neo-Renaissance style
mer family. and was opened in 1904.
38 “Hofer’sches Stiftungshaus” 43 Birthplace of Dr. Albert Mu-
(“Hofer’s Charity House”), Schwei- char O.S.B., Muchargasse 13 –
zergasse 10 – In 1893, tanner Jo- The remarkable historian made it to
hann Hofer bequeathed his assets the position of head of the Universi-
to the town of Lienz on the condi- ty of Graz. He produced numerous
tion that it be used to build an alm- scholarly texts, including a nine-vo-
shouse. lume history of Styria.
The old Isel tower and the “New Middle School Egger-Lienz“
in the background, the Spitzkofel in the Dolomites.
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