Page 26 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 26
Around 1880: The wooden Pfarrbrücke (Parish Bridge), the historical inn “Glöcklturm” (“Bell Tower”)
and St Andrew’s Parish Church, which only received its characteristic high tover about 30 years later.
Next to the gallery stairs, the- Three Kings and Saints Rupert and War memorial chapel Albin Egger-Lienz
re is the late Gothic tombstone Virgil. In the left side nave, there
for the Counts of Lienz, Augustin is the neoclassical Marian altar by
and Hugo II, and also the tomb brothers Josef and Anton Moos-
of the first post-Gorizian ruler of brugger from 1829/30.
Lienz, Baron Michael von Wolken-
stein-Rodenegg and his wife Bar- The statues of King David and the
bara von Thun, by Christoph Gei- prophet Jeremiah at each side are
ger around 1510. by Gottlieb Klotz. Johann Mitter-
wurzer created the retable “Birth of
On the southern pillar: frescoes of Christ” around 1770. The altar table
St Andrew with the cross and of is adorned by Josef Bachlechner’s
the martyrdom of a bishop or ab- “Madonna of the Rosary” (1912).
bot (around 1460). On the northern At Easter, the left side altar houses
pillar: a fresco of two female saints, the famous “Holy Grave”, made in
above it the secco painting “Mary 1752 by the painter Anton Zoller.
with the Child” from the first half of It depicts – adorned with colourful “Sower and Devil” and “The Resurrected One” by Albin Egger-Lienz.
the 16th century. On the western glass balls – scenes from Maundy
side, there is a late 15th century re- Thursday to Easter Monday. This 21 Bezirkskriegerdenkmal (Dis- to be the winner) and “The Resur-
minder to fast, and on the gallery’s was a way for the illiterate to learn trict War Memorial) – An intentio- rected One”. This unusual and not
front side there is a High Gothic about the Passion of Christ. nally plain sacral space by Clemens too ornate portrayal was controver-
sculpture group of the Virgin Mary Holzmeister from 1924/1925. The sial for a long time and even led to
with Saints Elizabeth and Barba- Near the altar, there is a guardian collaboration between Holzmeis- a ban on holding church services
ra from around 1430, as well as a angel sculpture by Johann Paterer, ter and Albin Egger-Lienz resulted there by the Vatican, which was
sculpture of Christ the Resurrected around 1760; above the confes- in one of the most remarkable war only revoked in 1983. This chapel
by Hans Klocker (1480/90). The or- sional, the fresco “Entrance of the memorials in all of Austria. In 1925, also houses the tomb of artist Albin
gan from 1618 is by Andreas Putz Three Kings”, around 1480. The Egger-Lienz furnished the room Egger-Lienz (†1926). The names of
from Passau, adorned with a sta- tomb of Leonhard, the last Gorizian with a four-part painting cycle: the 3234 East Tyroleans who died
tue of King David and reliefs of putti count, was designed by Christoph “Sower and Devil” (the sower sows in both World Wars are listed in the
playing music by Adam Paldauf. Geiger in 1506/07. good, Satan sows hatred and di- chapel and under the arcades.
The wings of the casing depict the scord), “Storm” (depiction of war),
birth of Christ, the Adoration of the “Human Sacrifice” (war itself seems
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