Page 22 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 22
Stone relief “The Calling of Peter and Andrew” by Jos Pirkner.
18 St. Andrä (St Andrew’s) cler- secrated in 1204 and its western
gy house – The stout building da- wall was incorporated into the follo-
ting back to the Middle Ages was wing Gothic construction. Starting
restored multiple times. On the in 1430, the Gorizian construction
northern side, a 1967 sgraffito by society built the late Gothic basilica,
Oswald Kollreider depicting Saint consecrated in 1457. The tower,
Andrew. with its neo-Gothic upper part, was
rebuilt from 1907 to 1909. Above
19 Entrance to the “Old Ce- the side portals, there are Roman-
metery” surrounding the town esque reliefs of a head and a Pa-
parish church – Through the schal lamb.
neoclassical gatehouse with a
saucer dome and a fresco of the On the doors: bronze sculptu-
Resurrection by Joseph Arnold res and door handles of the Holy
from 1831, one reaches the old Apostles Andrew and Peter by Jos
cemetery surrounding the church. Pirkner from 1969. He also created
Its southern border is marked by the stone relief “The Calling of Peter
late Gothic arcades with relief sto- and Andrew”. In the antechamber:
nes of the von Grabens from 1540 Romanesque portal lions holding
and Baroque panel paintings. The a ram and a lamb. The church in-
former ossuary (around 1500) is terior consists of three naves with
located in the southeastern corner. star-ribbed vaults and the pointed
The surrounding wall in this area is triumphal arch with a 1446 fresco
still crenellated. of Christ the Judge.
20 Stadtpfarrkirche St. Andrä The elongated presbyterium was
(St Andrew’s Town Parish Church) converted to Baroque style around
(Guides to the parish church and 1760. There is the relief of the Vir-
its filial church of St Michael are gin and Child with St Anne from the
available in the church’s entrance early 16th century and the former
area.) Excavations have revealed altar wings with Saints Barbara and
that the church’s origins go as far Dorothea (around 1500). The seven
back as the late Roman / early keystones of the main nave were
Christian period, with a 5th century painted with coats of arms around
construction that was expanded in 1450. On the left wall: the 1637
the 10th century’s Carolingian era. painting “Liberation of St Peter from
A Romanesque church was con- Prison”. Stadtpfarrkirche St. Andrä (St Andrew’s Town Parish Church)
majestically towers over the town from the north.
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