Page 20 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 20
15 Von Graben coat of arms, mented a benefice to assign a per-
Beda-Weber-Gasse 4 – The em- manent chaplain to the church. St
blem of the influential von Graben Michael’s is also the church where
family. They were not high nobility, the von Grabens and their relatives
“only” knights, but thanks to their are buried. On the outer southern
closeness to Count Leonhard of side there is a two-part fresco de-
Gorizia and their sophisticated life- picting an inthroned Madonna and
style, they were surrounded by a a crucifixion scene, created around
“feudal aura”. By the roadside, one 1300. The Baroque tower from
can see the painted sundial with 1712/1715 has a delicate shape
the coat of arms of the Rain and and an onion dome. The impres-
Sumereck families from the 17th sive atmosphere of the main nave
century. results from the rib vault’s eight-po-
inted star/blossom ornaments in
16 Birthplace of Beda Weber connection with decorative pain-
O.S.B., Beda-Weber-Gasse 6 – tings (around 1520). The choir vault
Born in 1798, Beda Weber was was renewed in 1667.
initially trained as a cobbler before
being allowed to attend secondary The main altar, with twisted co-
school in Bozen/Bolzano. Then, he lumns and sculptures of the an-
joined the Benedictine monaste- gels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael,
ry of Marienberg in Vinschgau. In dates back to 1683. The side altars
1824, he was ordained as a priest from 1618 are Renaissance-styled.
and taught at the secondary school At the right-hand altar, a late Gothic
of Merano. Beda Weber studied statue of the Virgin Mary (around
many aspects of Tyrol and produ- 1515); at the left-hand one, a pain-
ced numerous scientific publicati- ting from 1641 of Saints Ursula and
ons. He was rewarded for his work Agnes by Johann Hofmann the Ol-
when he was chosen as one of the der from Lienz. The saints’ sculptu-
first 12 members of the Imperial res at the side altars were made by
Academy of Sciences in Vienna. In the local sculptor Bartlmä Kletten-
1848, he was elected into the Ger- hammer (around 1660/1670). The
man National Assembly in Frankfurt busts on the altar tables are crea-
am Main and, as a popular cleric, tions by Johann Patterer (around
he was made the city’s Catholic pa- 1750/1760).
rish priest.
The memorial plaque to Paul von
17 Kirche St. Michael (St Micha- Leubelfing, depicting the Holy Fa-
el’s Church) – Originated as a Ro- mily, was painted in 1578 by Andrä
manesque construction in the latter Peurweg from Lienz. The images
half of the 13th century. Gothic-sty- “Death of St Francis Xavier” and
le renovation began in the mid- to “Pentecost” are by Johann Waigin-
late 15th century by the Gorizian ger, also from Lienz.
construction society. The choir and
then the main nave, also incorpo- The pulpit is adorned with portraits The historical church reflected in the façade of the Arbeiterkammer (Chamber of Labour) building.
rating the Romanesque walls, were of the Evangelists and a statuette
adapted to Gothic style by Andrä of Archangel Michael. The gallery
and Bartlmä Viertaler from Innichen shows the coat of arms of Lienz as a dragonslayer. Under the rich collection of multiple worked sto-
/ San Candido between 1510 and town judge Andrä von Graben, from 16th century grave sculpture, there nes and inscription plaques under
1531. The construction was most 1531, and a Marian image from the is Virgil von Graben’s tombstone; the stairs to the gallery remains a
likely financed by the von Graben late 16th century. A secco painting those of other relatives are located mystery to this day.
family. In 1501, Virgil Graben imple- depicts Baron Haimerand von Rain in the choir and the main nave. The
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