Page 29 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 29
Way back 26 Former tithe barn of the Prin-
via Oberdrumer Straße ce-Archbishopric of Salzburg,
north of St Andrew’s Parish Church
25 Farmstead “Tischler”, Patri- – The wall shows the multicoloured
asdorf 1 – At the crossroads with sgraffito “St Martin” by local painter
the Patriasdorfer Straße (Patrias- Oswald Kollreider from 1955.
dorf Street), there stands the old
farmstead with its historical waysi-
de cross and the granary, immor-
talised by Albin Egger-Lienz in his
1896 painting “Feldsegen” (“Bles-
sing of the Field”). Further upwards
lies Patriasdorf, known as “Patriar-
chesdorf” (“Patriarch’s Village”) in
mediaeval documents, linking the
place to the Patriarch of Aquileia.
He had owned land there – inclu- View from St Joseph’s column shrine to the Dominican convent.
ding the “Castrum Luenz” –, that Continuation of the main town tour route
was taken from him by the Gorizi-
an counts in the 13th century. The Via the “Pfarr-Reide” footpath to around 1635. The church, too,
farms supporting the counts’ court 27 the neoclassical column shri- was renovated and consecrated
were the six “Kuchlmaierhöfe”, ne to John of Nepomuk (around in 1637. The three-bay interior is
whose domonyms still exist. 1830) with a Baroque sculpture of divided by massive strut pillars.
the saint (around 1750). – Past the The choir was re-designed after a
traditional “Glöcklturm” (bell tower), bombing in 1945. The altar with a
a house elaborated by local gover- tabernacle is simple; behind it is the
nor Hans Herpfer von Herpfenburg 1949 fresco “Ascension of Mary”
in 1640. Until roughly 1790, it ser- by Hans Andre. On the triumphal
ved as a seat for noble families. arch’s wall, the 1969 reliefs “Visitati-
28 Continue across the Pfarrbrücke on of Mary” and “Saints Dominicus
(Parish Bridge), first officially men- and Hyacinth” by Josef Troyer from
tioned in 1216 and reconstructed Prägraten can be seen. He was
for the last time from 1990 to 1991. once the sculptor in residence at
St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna.
29 Column shrine to St Joseph In the side chapel (a.k.a. “Grüftl”,
– In front of the Dominican convent, meaning “Little Crypt”), there is
first mentioned in 1583. an early 19th century altar and a
late Gothic sculpture of Bishop St
30 Dominican convent and Wolfgang from around 1510/1520.
Church of the Visitation (a.k.a. From 1781 onwards, the Domini-
“Klösterle”, meaning “Little Con- can sisters considered the teaching
vent”) – The convent of Lienz is of children in school to be an im-
the oldest among the currently portant task.
existing Dominican convents in the
German-speaking world. A large 31 Blacksmith’s shop open-air
donation by the Counts of Gorizia museum near the convent (Rie-
enabled the convent’s construction pler): The last remaining nail and
Lienz, a university town – The modern campus north of the in 1243. It was subsequently spon- horseshoe smithy with its original
Pfarrbrücke bridge is a unique educational project that unites vo- sored by the local nobility, and the furnishings intact dates back to the
cational schools, a higher technical academy, a university and re- Counts of Gorizia in particular. After 16th century.
search in mechatronics under one roof. the great fire of 1613, the convent
received its present appearance
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