Page 80 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 80


 Lebzelt (gingerbread) has an ancient tradition. Via convents and
 monasteries, the delicious and fi ne-smelling creations made from
 honey and spices arrived in mediaeval bakeries. Including that of
 Schloss Bruck, where possibly the most beautiful of the local gin-
 gerbread moulds has been revived. “The Adoration of the Three
 Kings” is a detailed mould, artistically carved into birch wood,
 from 1644. The blank spaces between the fi gures have been fi lled
 with, among other things, the Lienz Rose®, which also adorns the
 town’s coat of arms. The bakers and confectioners of Lienz have   Gourmet pavilions “East Tyrol de luxe” on the main square.
 banded together to revive this one-of-a-kind motif and artwork.

 Fine spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, aniseed, ginger, fennel   Terrassenskilauf Lienz
 and coriander determine the delicious fl avour. The carefully hand-  Skiing to relax
 made Original Lienzer Lebzelt 1644® is fi lled with genuine Tyrole-
 an lingonberries. The old pattern, stamped onto fi nest marzipan,   Sun-starved ski gourmets can discover a new discipline in Lienz, Town of the
 covers the upper side of the gingerbread. It is available from the   Sun. Not kilometres on the slopes, but sophisticated enjoyment is the focus
 bakers and confectioners of Lienz in a popular gift box.  of the Lienz skiing tour south of the Alps. With delicious regional specialities,
          relaxed and honest hospitality and the gorgeous panorama of the Lienz Do-
          lomites, you can reward yourself for marvellous skiing runs. The whole thing
          with free movement on perfect slopes – an almost forgotten luxury.
          And when a marvellous day of skiing comes to an end, the heart searching
          for joy knows only one path: off to the town centre, to “East Tyrol de luxe”!
          Après-ski of a special kind. Around four beautiful pavilions, the main square
          becomes a sunny terrace, a chill-out zone. An extraordinary mix of various
          drinks and remarkable dishes by distinguished chefs from the region.


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