Page 50 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 50

Glass mosaic at the entrance to the Church of the Holy Family.

            56  Martin  Luther  Church  –  The   church, consecrated in 1962, has a
 Parish church of the Holy Family; in the foreground a bust of Dr Andreas Rohracher (1892-1976),   Lienz parish of the Protestant dio-  hall-like interior, a choir vault and a
 Archbishop of Salzburg and honorary citizen of the town of Lienz.  cese became independent in 1954.   conch-shaped apse at the rear.
          In place of the original wooden buil-
   55  Pfarrkirche “Zur Heiligen Fa-  Above the entrance, there is a   ding, the current church was built
 milie” (Parish Church of the Holy   window of glass and concrete de-  with rubble walls following plans by      Continue through the subway in
 Family) – Planned by Lienz archi-  picting the Holy Family, from 1962.   architect Otto Gruber (Lienz). The   the direction of the town centre.
 tects Otto Gruber and Hans Buch-  The main altar is made of granite
 rainer. An elongated building with a   and was completed with eucha-  The Protestant Martin Luther Church.
 distinctive round apse and a tower   ristic symbols on the front side in
 above the choir vault. The entrance   1994. The relief group “Christ and
 area was decorated by Jos Pirkner   his Faithful” by Peter Kostner  (St.
 in 1963: depictions of the Annun-  Ulrich im Grödental / Ortisei) was
 ciation of Mary and the Holy Fami-  created between 1995 and 1998.
 ly’s Flight to Egypt in a combination   At the side altar: the 1967 sculp-
 of repoussé work and a mosaic   ture group “Virgin and Child with
 background. The interior is a large   St Anne” by Gottfried Fuetsch (Vir-
 hall with window-like gaps at the   gen). At the right-hand choir vault
 northern side, a flat wooden ceiling,   wall: a 1995 sculpture of Mary by
 the left side supported by columns   Peter Kostner. The Stations of the
 and a choir vault with strong inci-  Cross were created by Walter Un-
 dence of light from above.  terweger, completed in 1976, re-
 worked and given a painted back-
 ground in 1994.

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