Page 13 - Lienz Treasure Chest
P. 13
The “Hotel Lienzerhof” around 1912.
7 Former post office, Bozener – who came in from New York with
Platz 1 – In place of the Town Tennis his wife, his driver and his staff –
Court, the luxury hotel “Lienzerhof”, and the famous American inventor
with 100 beds, was built between Thomas Alva Edison.
1908-1910. The local newspaper,
“Lienzer Zeitung”, mentioned that 8 Barbarahof (Barbara Court),
the hotel was furnished to satisfy Bozener Platz 2 – The tower-like
even the most spoiled guests and building with its round arch passage
was first-rank not only in the Pus- to the right of the St.-Antonius-Park
ter Valley, but in all of Tyrol. Many is part of the original mediaeval fort-
prominent guests stayed at the ifications, called “Barbarahof” ever
“Lienzerhof”. Among those were since the renovation in 1994/95.
the multi-billionaire H.W. Vanderbilt “Antoniuskirchl” (St Anthony’s little church) and the park. A small oasis in the centre.
St.-Antonius-Park (St Anthony’s forms an important point of closu-
Park) with the old city wall – This re of the main square at its eastern
small park near the clearly visible edge. The main altar from 1702
mediaeval city wall from the 13th came from the Liebburg chapel,
century forms a small oasis in the with images of St Anthony of Pa-
city centre. dua and St John of Nepomuk. The
right-hand altar with the images “St
9 Church of St Anthony of Sylvester baptizing Emperor Cons-
Padua – This church most like- tantine” and “St Sylvester defeating
ly used to be part of the formerly the dragon” – by the painter J. Hof-
nearby “Gorizian House”, the town mann the Older from Lienz – was
seat of the last Gorizian count inaugurated in 1660. It is flanked
Leonhard. After 1500, it was con- by statues of two bishops. The left-
verted into a storage for miners’ hand altar from 1660/1670 shows
ore tithes to the territorial lord. After a copy of Lucas Cranach’s painting
Lienz and electric lighting have a long shared history. And not mining receded in the area of Lienz, of the Virgin Mary in the Innsbruck
only because even the American inventor and electricity specialist this storage was no longer needed, Cathedral as well as the Trinity. In
Thomas Alva Edison is said to have stayed at the “Lienzerhof”, and thus, between 1660 and 1668, 1946, the Church of St Anthony
the former post office at the main square entrance, in 1912. it was converted into a church. The was given to the town’s Greek Or-
visual of the onion-domed tower thodox community.
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